Problems Facing Web3 Games Today

App Stores and Regulation

Despite the market opportunity, web3 mobile games face several headwinds. Mobile app stores like Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store have been hesitant to embrace web3, often with tepid responses, confusing policies, and byzantine approval processes. Much like financial regulatory confusion, app stores’ mini-governmental chokehold on access to the mobile ecosystem accompanied with their indecision and mugwump posturing has created confusion and uncertainty among web3 mobile app developers.

Mobile UI/UX

Mobile UX poses a unique set of constraints and opportunities in contrast with desktop web. Blockchain infrastructure has thus far focused heavily on PC users. Browser extension wallets like Metamask work fine on desktop web browsers, but are very clunky on mobile devices where dedicated apps and deeplinking are the preferred UX design pattern. Making sure the same user and wallet are moving along while keeping keys and permissions secure is a massive headache.

Mobile users expect a far simpler and streamlined interface. Common wisdom in UX design, especially for mobile, is that every additional tap or swipe will lose you a decent % of users. In contrast, wallets require seemingly new approvals for every interaction. While this does promote security, it can be incredibly irritating to mobile users. As more and more approval pop-ups appear, users can become desensitized and ignore them, opening themselves up to major security vulnerabilities. A more elegant design here that balances risk, attention, and convenience is needed.

User Acquisition

Web3 mobile games face several challenges when it comes to user acquisition. One significant issue is the limited awareness and understanding of Web3 concepts among mobile gamers. Many players are accustomed to traditional mobile gaming experiences and may not be familiar with the complexities of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency wallets, and NFTs. This lack of knowledge can create a barrier to entry, making it difficult for Web3 mobile games to attract a broad audience.

Another challenge is the fragmented nature of the Web3 mobile gaming landscape. With multiple blockchain platforms, cryptocurrencies, and NFT standards, there is a lack of standardization and interoperability. This fragmentation can lead to confusion among players and make it harder for Web3 mobile games to gain traction. Additionally, the process of acquiring and managing cryptocurrencies or NFTs within a game can be cumbersome for players, especially those who are new to the Web3 ecosystem. The need for players to navigate multiple steps, such as setting up a cryptocurrency wallet and purchasing tokens, can deter them from trying out Web3 mobile games.

To overcome these challenges, Web3 mobile game developers need to focus on creating seamless and user-friendly experiences that abstract away the complexities of blockchain technology. Providing clear tutorials, in-game onboarding, and intuitive interfaces can help players understand and engage with the Web3 elements of the game. Moreover, fostering communities and leveraging social media and influencer marketing can help raise awareness about Web3 mobile games and attract players who are interested in the unique features and benefits offered by decentralized gaming. Collaborating with established gaming platforms and marketplaces can also help Web3 mobile games reach a wider audience and tap into existing user bases. As the Web3 ecosystem matures and becomes more mainstream, it is likely that the challenges facing Web3 mobile game user acquisition will gradually diminish.

Last updated